Coinbase and kraken cryptocurrency exchange for crypto trader

What is Coinbase and kraken?

Coinbase is an Internet service company. They offer a range of services for storing, sending, and receiving digital currency known as bitcoins. Kraken is a US-based cryptocurrency exchange with the highest liquidity in the world. Both services are geared toward people who trade cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin and Ethereum on a daily basis or who want to invest in them for long-term profits.
This blog post is about how these two platforms can be combined to provide you with the best tools possible if you want to start trading cryptos on your own.

How to safely trade Stablecoins on Coinbase and kraken? 

The relation between the US Dollar (USD) and the crypto market has always been a difficult one. Most of us know that USD is hyper-inflated, while cryptocurrencies are not. Therefore, making profit off of cryptocurrencies is difficult because they are in many cases cheaper than the USD currency itself.

In order to make better money out of it, what we need to do as cryptocurrency traders is by trading two currencies at the same time: crypto and USD.

Trade crypto on Coinbase and kraken

This is actually a big problem to most of us because coinbase and kraken are the two biggest exchange in the world, which are great options. But how safe are they? What steps can we take to ensure ourselves that the money we put on kraken will be safe?

In this article, I have listed down some tips and tricks that might help you protect your investment. These are what I have done to keep myself safe .

So let's start.


1. You need to activate 2-factor authentication, or security key ( depending on the site ). Do that first. This will ensure that no one can access your account but you. Make sure you have selected the option of “re-enable after [x] days” and “re-send code to backup email every [x] days” so should your mobile phone get lost, you will be able to recover access to your account.

If you're looking to trade crypto currencies then Coinbase and Kraken are the two biggest bitcoin exchanges in the world.
Since Coinbase is a US-based exchange, those who reside in the US will only be able to buy Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum with a connected bank account. The other major US-based exchange, Kraken offers more coins - including Ripple.
Coinbase has around $10 billion in daily trading volume which makes them one of the world's most popular place for buying cryptos.

Kraken, on the other hand, has more than $20 billion in trading volume which makes them one of the most popular bitcoin exchanges. They also offer Litecoin and Ripple.
Trading cryptos is a very popular thing to do in 2017, especially when price of the currencies skyrocketed. You can now earn money from it or even make money from it if you are smart enough to follow a few things which I will introduce below because there are many things that you need to learn about trading cryptos.
Coinbase & Kraken and the advantages & disadvantages

Financial advantages

The big advantage of using Coinbase or Kraken is that you will get to buy bitcoin , litecoin and Ethereum without any problem at all. Both exchanges are very easy to use with a simple interface for beginners. You can also buy other cryptos if you want by connecting your bank account with them (more on this below). However, note that the fees at these exchanges are pretty high compared to other options out there. The fees range from 0.

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